Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
If you remove your kid from the are when she's acting up, then you're doing what you should as a parent. If a parent brings a child into a confined space, they had better teach the child to act appropriately. If the child isn't old enough to understand consideration for others, the parents shouldn't bring him into a confined space for hours with no way out. Having and raising a child is a responsibility, not a right.
Rights and responsibilities aren't mutually exclusive. I would say that if you are not able to be in a confined space with people who annoy you than you shouldn't be in there either.
That being said, kids aren't computers. You can teach them shit all you want, but in they end there is always some random probability that they will do something else. The idea that a parent can always be in control of a child's behavior is an ill-informed one - kids do have minds of their own.