My first relationship involved a stoner, he was really lazy.
He had more potential than a lot of people, but he hung out with the wrong crowd and just had bad influences and made poor decisions.
Let me make a note, I have never smoked weed nor do I intend to. I absolutely despise it because of this man.
Anyway, the entire relationship whenever we would go hang out with his friends, he'd ask my permission to smoke even though he knew I hated it. Or he'd go to a friends house and ask me to pick him up because he was high.
Just really got old. I don't do drugs. I hate drugs with a passion because of this man.
Anyways, weed was a big issue in our relationship. He would promise he would stop, and then a month later ask to do it just once...right whatever.
I would never date a stoner again. I learned my lesson there.
Other people may differ, but that's their call.
Weed caused major problems with us, not to mention he totally couldn't afford it. I paid for so damn much in that relationship, and he spent any spare money on weed.
So theres my two cents.
Unless you have the spare money and a partner that enjoys it as well, usually weed does not mix well in a relationship.