Originally Posted by dc_dux
or a national energy policy that promotes alternative energy and lessens our dependence on foreign oil
Let the free market do its thing, when someone comes up with something cheaper than oil that they can sell cheaper than petrol, they will, we're already on to that with ethanol and biodiesel.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
or if you dont want to see the US remain the world's leader of medical, science and technology R&D
Ron Paul doesnt want socialized medicine, like most others do, and socialized medicine is the real enemy of medical adavances In my opinion. Nobody works for free.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
or if you want an isolationist rather than a president who will strengthen our bond will allies around the world to confront common defense and national security challenges
I dont want to get involved in any more wars. What exactly is wrong with an isolationist policy? Unless we're attacked, we should not goto war. I for one would love to go back to 'Walk softly and carry a big stick'. And besides which, Ron Paul wants congress to be the ones making choices about who we goto war with, as it should be.