Originally Posted by tecoyah
Obviously....the truth is subjective. But, I must say the Data does not support you for the most part.
I guess the question I have and what I would like to dig into is - when you say "the data", what data are you referring to? If all you point to is information from people and organizations with a political agenda, I agree that truth is subjective in this case, normally it is not.
In the OP you cite Carmona a former SG. He is a person who used his position to promote his political agenda to ban tobacco products. Don't you question his credibility regarding the issue of politicizing scientific data?
Interesting report from the Presidents Chief Science Advisor defending his boss, here is the link if anyone wants to read it. Perhaps there are other facts and factors to consider on this issue.
Regarding the document that was released on February 18, 2004 by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), I believe the UCS accusations are wrong and misleading. The accusations in the document are inaccurate, and certainly do not justify the sweeping conclusions of either the document or the accompanying statement. I believe the document has methodological flaws that undermine its own conclusions, not the least of which is the failure to consider publicly available information or to seek and reflect responses or explanations from responsible government officials. Unfortunately, these flaws are not necessarily obvious to those who are unfamiliar with the issues, and the misleading, incomplete, and even personal accusations made in the document concern me deeply. It is my hope that the detailed response I submit today will allay the concerns of the scientists who signed the UCS statement.