Originally posted by BBtB
I personally think thats a cop out. Not every kid who is disruptive or just plain mean has a disease. Whatever happened to someone just being bad? Can no one just be bad anymore? Does everyone have to have a mental disability these days? I am not saying he can't have it. I think ADD and AD/HD IS a real disease. It just only effects about 3 people. I bet if we looked at this home life we could get a better idea of where this behavior comes from. But thats just my opinion.
Not sure if you meant 3% of the people but the rate is a little higher.
Since I work with people with disabilities I see people with learning disorders every day.
I also see the results when people become adults without learning the skills it takes deal with those disorders.
They lead terribly chaotic lives and have a very hard time.
Yes, it is possible that the kid has a personality disorder or comes from a bad home.
However when you see a constant pattern of that kind of behavior from someone that young there are usually more complex reasons then just being a brat.