Originally Posted by tecoyah
Why do you want us to be a backward nation? Or do you actually think its a good idea to quiet the scientific community?
We are not a backward nation nor are we headed in that direction in my opinion.
The nature of work on a committee means that there is no guaranteed that someone's work will be included in any final report. That does not mean they have no outlet to have their work independently published. To suggest that the people on the Council are "lackies" and have sold out to Bush is a charge that lacks support and is an insult to the members of the Council in my opinion.
I think Dr. Blackburn has a political agenda and the ASCB has a political agenda. I have no problem with them having a political agenda, people fighting for their causes is good for our nation.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
ace.....I dont consider them all to be lackies.
Only the ones (the chair?) who reneged on a commitment to include dissenting opinions in the Council's reports and blocked the independent thoughts of Dr. Blackburn.
and Bush for replacing members with dissenting views and for not insisting that the mission of the Council , as he defined it through the EO, not be subverted in such a manner.
Since we don't know what was excluded (and your source doesn't provide any details, perhaps they don't know) how do you know the chair is a "lackie" and reneged on a commitment? I have worked on some group projects and as a group we had to make editorial decisions and omit data and research. Are we suggesting a new standard here, one where anytime a member of a committee claims to be a victim, it is accepted without question?