Originally Posted by Elphaba
I reject the notion that human "nature" is the source for war. We continue to have some primitive brain stem functions, but our species is primarily distinguished by our intellect. That some would chose to engage in war does not negate the supremacy of intelligence over animal violence. Many of the great leaders over recorded time denounced violence and promoted peace. If war is a part of the human condition, why did the great teacher, Jesus, say otherwise over 2,000 years ago?
You reject and deny that human nature is the source for war?
Ok, then what other source is there and since you can point so easily to this other source and reject that human nature is the cause, perhaps you know the solution to end war and would like to fill everyone in then?
What book, chapter and verse does Jesus say war is not part of the human condition?
Where does Lennon say it, Ghandi, Mohammed, etc?
War is part of the human condition because they are started by the free will and emotions those leaders, it continues through the emotions of those who wage it.
Jesus talks about YOU as a person, Lennon talks about individuals, they all talk about individuals, choosing peace, turning the other cheek etc, etc. Each one believes it should be the individuals choice. That being the case not everyone obviously will choose peace.
As an example, Lennon distinctly states "You may think I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you will join us, and the world will live as one."
He hopes people will join and want peace but he is not demanding it, forcing people to believe as he does, but he welcomes them and believes someday free will, will lead to peace.
I may live peacefully, I may talk to others about how they can, but it is free will, and I am pessmistic that man will ever choose 100% peace. There are too many differences, too much greed, too many inherent hatreds, that exist.
If you force peace, people will resent peace, you cannot force upon others what they do not want, or you will have started the violent actions yourself.
Finding reasons to go to war is easy, finding ways to prevent war and find a lasting peace are extremely hard and both sides have to be 100% willing to do the work. I just don't ever see that happening.