Originally Posted by dc_dux
But It is inappropriate (and unethical) when the best judgment of medical doctors (like the SG and CDC physicans) and career scientists (at EPA, DOI, NASA, etc) are overruled and their findings and recommendations suppressed by policy wonks with no background or expertise, but acting solely on ideology......to the extent NEVER done before.
I don't intend to change the subject of this thread, however, the promotion of condom use compared to the promotion of abstinence (or single partner sex) to prevent disease at this point in time is a political issue. I simply think you are wrong when you say that it is inappropriate for policy makers to decide what gets published on a governmental agency website.
Also, I am not sure you do get one of my other points based on this comment:
But you think AIDS education is political, so I am not surprised.
First the comment is taken out of context. Second, given limited resources and a governmental agency's limited opportunities to communicate directly to the public, the decisions involving what to communicate and how to communicate that information is purely political. People have to decide these things, the process is political.