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Old 07-17-2007, 05:07 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Location: In the land of ice and snow.
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Originally Posted by analog
You're comparing the mere existence of a handicapped person with the outward, inescapable noises/behavior of a child. That's not nearly the same thing.

Experiencing discomfort because a person is handicapped is your own personal issue with that person's existence, at all, in your life. Being annoyed by a child in this context is not simply because they're sitting there, existing where you can see them, but because they are actively (mis)behaving in a manner you dislike- i.e., making noise.

Using this example, your discomfort with the handicapped is your own; they are doing nothing to provoke or instill that discomfort. They are just "being". The child, however, is providing auditory stimuli that affects you negatively. It is not you who decided the existence of the child annoying, it is the child's behavior that makes them annoying. Huge difference.
I guess i missed the memo where you got ultimate and final pet peeve validation privileges. So pet peeves based on auditory and or visual stimulation are more important than ones that aren't? That's a pretty arbitrary line you draw there.

It doesn't matter, the important thing isn't the means of my annoyance, you said as much when you claimed that, "You need to respect that everyone's pet peeves are different." The important thing is that i'm hypothetically annoyed by a certain class of people, and therefore, as in the case of cyn's aunt, it is righteous and just of me to actively exclude said people from places i like to go, or vise versa.

Here's the thing, i used to get annoyed by kids, then i had one. Now, i don't get annoyed so much. Nothing changed about me, i just don't really get annoyed by kids anymore - even if they are actively engaging in behavior i don't like. When i see or hear a kid being rambunctious, it's more like, "What the fuck is wrong with that person? Oh, it's a kid, that makes sense."

Not everyone is annoyed by the same things. As stated, I'm annoyed by certain types of music that many others love; I'm sure the feeling is mutual in a reciprocal fashion for some of those people and my musical preferences. No one judges people for being annoyed by things, but the fact that I'm annoyed by loud, misbehaving children seems to make people think they're then empowered to go right ahead and judge me.
Is that really you, analog, lamenting the how judgmental other people are? At least no one is trying to kick you off a plane because they don't like your music.

Me finding loud, misbehaving children annoying is no less legitimate than someone finding standing in long lines to be annoying. Like any other topic, the universal truth seems to carry on; just because it's a kid, people feel justified in talking down to you and disregarding you because you have anti-kid opinions.
Who's talking down to you? What are you talking about? It seems to me that whenever the topic comes up there is rarely a shortage of self proclaimed experts ready to rant about how horrible the parents are, or how shitty kids are. You really have to ignore a lot of details to try and claim victimhood here.

And you know what? I'm not anti-kid. I'm anti-being-annoyed, and ANYONE being loud, obnoxious, misbehaving in public annoys me. I deal with children on a somewhat regular basis with my clinicals, will deal with them more once I'm actually out in the field working, and I couldn't be happier to be helping them. I rather enjoy helping kids, actually, because they're actually grateful for the help (even if still scared), more often than not, whereas "adult" patients tend to do nothing but try to lie to me, and are more often rude, indifferent, or grumpy that I'm trying to help them... and I'm happy to help them as well.
Nobody likes being annoyed, and this isn't necessarily about anybody not having the right be be annoyed, it's about what you do with that annoyance.

Last edited by filtherton; 07-17-2007 at 08:46 AM..
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