Originally posted by BBtB
Athiesm is and always had been philosophical. Philosphy and religion are that nice grey area.
Agreed. Perhaps rather than debating what religion is it should be discussed if philosophy is religion.
I say no because philosophy relies on logic and mathematics to exist. Those are scientific methods...not mere beliefs based on "faith" as religion is.
BBtB...You mentioned something about science & religion 500 years ago and compared their track record.
Science improved. It is man made and accepts errors.
Religion is also man made and dictates rules.
Science accepts changes and "evolution" which fortunately requires throwing away old 'beliefs' for the new.
Religion dictates rules.
If we had ditched science we'd still be convinced the earth was flat and bleeding someone or performing exorcism was "modern medicine." Science should be (and is) used to answer philosophical questions. Science is what began the Copernican revolution.
This rock spinning around a star is changing, this universe is changing. Existence as we know it is about change. The only thing that helps me to stay up to date with the change is Science.
Hell, what you and I call "superstitious" or "silly" was religion to someone. It is seen as such to us because it did not adapt to change or did not accept what science revealed."
Dragonlich, I agree 100% with your definition of religion.