Originally Posted by Kid_Karysma
I'm getting married soon (Sunday) and I told my fiancee about my last thread and she wants to see if you guys can help out on this. Many weddings have the mothers lighting a unity candle to show the families coming together. She doesn't like that, but she wants to do something similar. What else have you guys seen or thought of that we can do to represent family unification?
I've never even heard of such a thing. Family unification? I don't think I can recall any two families that were really joined at the hip due to their kids getting hitched. If it really happens, that's great, but it seems a bit hokey and "California" to me.
I think Tecoyah's idea is pretty good, if something of that nature is really what people want.
Or better yet, have the family of the bride and the groom sit among one another in church, as opposed to having one family sit on one side and the other sit on the other side. Assuming y'all are getting married in a church of course.
Do they still do church weddings these days?