Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I'd guess you are fine with the changes of things like Han not shooting first and FBI agents chasing ET with walkie talkies in their hands since they don't take away from the plot points, but draw different emotional character points.
That's QUITE the conclusion to draw from my statement, Cyn. Generally speaking, I don't like anything to do with house elves in the books because I think the entire "OMG THEY'RE SLAVES OH NOEZ" thing is trite and annoying and some of her worst plotting. More specifically, I really dislike how they chose to portray them in the movies (thanks Chris Columbus) because their voices are like nails on a chalkboard and they're far too cute for my tastes.
Given that, I'm more than happy to NOT have to sit through house elves in the movies. The whole house elf "thing" has been pretty much excised from all of the movies, except for Dobby's role in the second which was completely essential. That removes whatever element it is house elves add to the books, yes. Personally, I don't think that's anything, so I'm happy to not have to sit through it. The director/writer took blood elves out for time constraint reasons, not because they were trying to change a character (Han) or make something more politically correct (ET). I'm enjoying the benefits of that change. You're welcome to disagree.