Methinks you either have consumer paranoia or are onto something...
Even if something is 'identical' the UPC may not be. Might be two older versions, two newer ones, etc. Also, while we catch people switching the stickers, sometimes we don't and it's possible someone switched the stickers and changed their minds about ripping off the store or got caught at it. Next, you pick up the item and it's a wrong price.
Always look at the UPCs when buying more than one of the same thing to make sure they match. Just because they look alike don't think they'll automatically ring up alike.
As for things on sale: These stores are national, their cash registers are hooked up to an online system somewhere in Geekland, where some devoted nerds do nothing but key in the sale prices to the great retail web. Signs are sent out to the stores and some half-awake part-timers stick them into their holders, using little hand scanners or maybe checksheets.It's an imperfect system at best. Way too many times, they scan the one item that sits on its proper shelf, stick the sign in its frame and the other 300 things surrounding it have nothing to do with the sale. Your cd might not have been included in the sale. Always read the itty bitty print on the signs-the majority of shoppers do not and we have daily 'arguments' with them insisting something they have is X amount when it's something not included in the sale(discontinued items or different size, original price or manufacturer.)
We have installed monitors at the checkouts for customers to read their purchases without having to look over the cashier's shoulder. Now, these monitors are pretty damned big, but we still have to point them out, ala "Ma'am, you can see your purchases on that", pointing to the 17 inch screen against their arm.
The managers aren't 'in on' anything either. Try being an employee and explaining a glitch....this glazed look comes over their eyes and after a few thoughtful moments, utter a very professional "Huh??"