This may sound odd, but the more you care and worry the more you will make it not happen. If you go out with the focus to have sex - women can smell it almost like an antipheromone. They often prefer the confidence of nonchalance - but that can't be feigned. I reckon I have had more success after i was married and became single because I did not care so much. I did however not have sex till i was about 24 but only because i could not see the beauty of a drunken female - while my male friends took great advantage of the same situations. Oddly as one of the few dark skinned guys in my school it was assumed i was going to be shagging. Once i hit my stride in my mid 20's i married , then when seperated in my mid thirties - ?? well it is more fun and confidence is something my beloved ex wife (She really is a top lady we just dont get on) taught me. And when you get the chance - dont make it about 'geing off' make it about making it as cool as you can manage for her - it helps your focus / performance and eligibility for an invite back for a second , third or 23rd occasion. Oh and I sincerely wish you well - i dont wish you to get laid - just to feel more comfortable that the first opportunity has not arrived. I can say i have never woken with someone i regretted and my first time was sober (scarey as hell) but absolutely 'fucking awesome' - pardon the pun. And dont count the orgasms - taht game is a losing one. Neither of us came the first time for me - she always believed she could not and damn i was nervous. but despite her experience i taught her much and she defined the arena for me so so sweetly and expertly once we hit our stride. Daaamn - I digress! I have not done forums stuff before

My pardon if i have talked too long. Do Widzenia !
Seeya cats

re 'The beauty of a drunken female statement by the way - a woman i know / admire and have the 'hots' for - if she drunkenly propositions me and is not too drunk - that is way different . but i just dont like a woman i dont know who is drunk ..... ok I will shut up - sorry sorry .