half the 18 year old girls on the internet who spread clams for thier ex boyfriends probably didn't consent to the picture being posted on the internet either. Is it simply "ok" because the viewer doesn't know any better?
I dunno, the lines between ok and not ok are pretty bendable, moral is subjective, people justify downloading music all the time and want the RIAA and MPAA's heads on a stick over them trying to enforce copyright law. The only reason child porn is considered "bad" is because the society we're in tries to protect/preserve innocence for some reason, be it preventing them from being exposed to violence, porn, swear language, or whatever.
fact of the matter is if you left society and civilization out of it and went straight to the biology of the situation, Humans are STILL a race that have sex for pleasure without the intent to reproduce. One of two species if I remember.
I'm not defending child porn though, I certainly don't have any interest in seeing underdeveloped females in whatever act thier photographer convinced them would be a good idea.
now, there were 13/14 y/o's that I mistook for at LEAST 17 when I was an 18 year old. from a biology standpoint, that would indicate they had developed something which appealed to my base instinct to mate, for pleasure or for reproduction, who knows? its subconscious. perhaps some would argue that our standards for beauty are "conditioned" by what we see in our parents, on tv, and other influences, some would just argue that its genetics.
this is a very very complicated subject if you dive beneath the surface.
that being said, again, I don't want to watch child porn, I don't condone it, but i'd be lying if I said there wasn't a point in my life where a 13 year old didn't make me feel funny during my time of puberty. If you get what i'm saying, politely as I can.
anyways, it's also a fairly easy cause to "champion" as raiding some weird dudes house and computer isn't exactly "in the line of fire" unlike violence and drugs. It's easy to look like you have a handle on the situation when most of the people who participate in such acts are really just failing to be fully integrated in to societal norms, not particularly violent or cruel.
I think every culture is different, some countries show nudity on public access television, some dont, some legalize drugs, some dont, some have low age restrictions on sex, some dont.
you could take amsterdam for example as "different" but I dunno if you can say either stance is "right" since right is merely opinion.
if they really wanted to sterilize crime and the psychological influence it has on convincing the kind of people who commit said crimes to do them, they wouldn't have anything beyond PG rated movies in this country, and it would be the equivlant of an R rating now.
personally, I kinda wonder if people who are psychologically fucked in the head from being previously sexually abused are only that way because people treated them like they were a victim, or a freak, that alone has its own psychological implications.
Last edited by Shauk; 07-14-2007 at 01:09 AM..