Originally Posted by ubertuber
I think he's arguing that diversity is good, as long as it remains tied to a context. It's an interesting thought, and to me it calls into question if diversity is really diversity if it must submit to the larger society...
Of course, I may be misunderstanding Ace's point. I don't mean to put words in his mouth - he's certainly capable of speaking for himself.
I was thinking that very thing (except I was questioning the article, not Ace) when I said this in my first post:
"I also find it odd that he advocates more vigorous efforts to assimilate immigrant communities. The more people assimilate, the less different they will be. If diversity is a strength, wouldn't he want immigrants to stay as different from native-born Americans as possible?"
If immigrants have to become Americanized before they become assets to society, it would seem that any objective benefit we get from their presence is based on their sameness rather than their differences.