I think it's just as damning. Either way, the harm and the immorality are in the adultery. I don't think adultery is mitigated whatsoever by the adulterer not being a hypocrite. The wrong is just as wrong, no better no worse, whether or not he actively preached against the wrong.
The only harm in the hypocrisy is harm to his own reputation for honesty and harm to the reputations of those associated with him. And the latter is only harmful because people invoke the faulty "guilt by association" logic.
The McGreeveys of the world aren't any better than the Robert Allens in my book. Adultery is adultery is immoral. And homosexuality isn't immoral, even if Robert Allen says it is. If Allen's worse at all, he's only worse because he could have predicted a title like "GOP blowing cops for $20" and known that his own reputation wasn't the only reputation at stake. (Though it should have been.)
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
jorgelito, to compliment what uber said, if you have a problem with a post, including the title, hit the warn button.
Fwiw, while I might whine about some content I don't like, I think I've only used the warning button maybe once, because I tend to put a very, very large space between "this annoys me" and "this deserves moderation". Habits from posting at smaller, less-moderated boards I guess.