07-13-2007, 12:23 AM
#7 (permalink)
Turns out this price drop is fake. Its really a clearance of the 60 gig inventory, then its no more and the only thing thats left is the 80 gig motorstorm bundle.
Confirmed by Kaz video:
Originally Posted by at 1:41
Well, again, just from a hardware perspective, the 499 dollar price adjustment that we did for the 60 GB version, for the american market, uh, we're no longer in production for that product, so uh once that product is gone from the retailer shelves, then we're back to the $599 SKU only, so it's not like we have a two price strategy here in the US market. We found out very early on, you know, consumers react mostly to just having one SKU as opposed to two.
Last edited by Dr Mario Kart; 07-13-2007 at 02:10 AM..