Originally Posted by reconmike
I wouldnt call the housing market bursting, just leveling out. Everyone knew the steep increase in values could not continue at the rate they were going.
And if they do burst, oh goodie I can buy another rental property.
Leveling out would imply people can get what they paid for a house when they sell it.
I would really like to know how Bush lost a crap load of jobs, it is the american publics fault their jobs are gone.
His economic policies.
Thats right, keep thinking you deserve the lowest price America, keep buying your Chinese trinkets, because you have a right to the lowest price, demand that low low price.
A good point, albeit one lifted from south park. But how can the initial company supply those low prices? Government regulation's nonexistance meaning they can cut corners left and right in order to sell at those prices.
And if a dem wins the white house you may very well have another cause ya know the but Bush will be brought up alot.
That's right. Dumbass is dumbass, no matter what party says it. Trying to excuse this administration by saying Clinton did it to is idiotic. It's even worse to do it with Carter. And when we (finally) have another president, he won't get to do whatever he wants just because Bush is a moron.