Originally Posted by shakran
The housing market bubble is bursting, the economy is supported by a flimsy pillar of debt-financed spending (rather like the government) and Bush managed to lose a metric crapton of middle class jobs and replaced them with jobs at Walmart.
I wouldnt call the housing market bursting, just leveling out. Everyone knew the steep increase in values could not continue at the rate they were going.
And if they do burst, oh goodie I can buy another rental property.
I would really like to know how Bush lost a crap load of jobs, it is the american publics fault their jobs are gone. Thats right, keep thinking you deserve the lowest price America, keep buying your Chinese trinkets, because you have a right to the lowest price, demand that low low price.
Who cares where it was manufactured, as long as you save a buck or two.
So when they bleat "but Carter!!" does that mean I get a second law named after me, or does that fall under the original?
And if a dem wins the white house you may very well have another cause ya know the but Bush will be brought up alot.