Originally Posted by willravel
[...]Because we have no understanding about how life may form outside of the Earth, it's foolish to assume we can guess, with the incredibly limited knowledge we have now, as to any reasonable answer to the question of life on other planets or how much of said life may be intelligent.
Considering what we don't yet know about earth, I'm always amazed that the amount of time and energy people spend looking beyond our atmo. And considering earth isn't even a closed system, this means it may be a long time before we even know
most of what there is to know of earth...scientifically speaking. Come on, quantum physics!
Originally Posted by willravel
So let me be clear: There is no evidence to suggest there is extraterrestrial life.
No, I suppose not. However, I do have at least some interest in evidence that would contribute to the
probability of life outside of earth. Intelligent life is an entirely different matter, of course. The likelihood of there being anything other than human intelligence is quite small, indeed.
Some excellent points so far, willravel.