The statement that CO2 emissions from volcanic activity is greater than human-caused CO2 emissions is a flat out lie. Durkin, the film's creator even admitted it.
Ward said the film's director, Mark Durkin, made a "long catalog of fundamental and profound mistakes" — including the claim that volcanoes produce more carbon dioxide than humans, and that the Earth's atmosphere was warmer during the Middle Ages than it is today.
Durkin acknowledged two of the errors highlighted by the scientists — including the claim about volcanic emissions — but he described those changes as minor and said they would be corrected in the expanded DVD release.
"They're trying to go through with a sort of nit-comb and trying desperately to find stuff they can sling at the film," he said. "They have no impact on the substance of the argument at all."
A second issue was the claim that human emissions of CO2 are small compared to natural emissions from volcanoes. This is untrue: current annual emissions from fossil fuel burning and cement production are estimated to be around 100 times greater than average annual volcanic emissions of CO2. That large volcanoes cannot significantly perturb the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere is apparent from the ice core and atmospheric record of CO2 concentrations, which shows a steady rise during the industrial period, with no unusual changes after large eruptions.
Furthermore, your chart is highly misleading. One more time: The differences in the amounts of CO2 emitted from natural and man-made sources DO NOT MATTER. Natural sources have sinks and when averaged over long periods of time, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere does not change that much. There is no natural sink for human caused CO2, therefore it will accumulate and continue to accumulate.
To put it another way. Say you have a 10 million gallon water tank. You are constantly draining 1 million gallons per hour away from it and constantly adding 1,000,001 gph to it. What is going to happen to the tank?
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!