Originally Posted by hambone
I do, however, think that without reading the book, it would be no where near as good to me. I wouldn't understand why they do certain things or what the significance of them was.
Personally, I think it's the other way around, I think the movies are geared to get people to read the books.
Just with no other preconcieved notions from the books, the movies make sense to me. But I can tell there is more depth and the movies do give me a small desire to think about reading the books. Then I hear LS tell me how much they cut and what they cut and I realize, me personally, if I had read the books and then saw the movies, I'd be very disappointed.
It is what it is and the series of movies to me make sense and tell a good story on their own.
Also, Snape needed WAY more screen time.
I do agree with this, Alan Rickman is a great actor, with an excellent comedic sense of timing.
I do think they need to make these films faster and release them a lot sooner. These "kids" are going to be growing fast and they may lose their passion for their parts and the last 2 movies are true garbage.
Of course, what does Rowlings care? Even with book 7, she can write... "See Harry run" "See Ron run" "Run Harry, run Ron." ... and not care. She knows it will sell millions and she has more money than the next 5 generations of her family will ever be able to spend, so what does she care how the book and movies end now.
Up to this point, the movies and books were geared to sell the next book and movie... now, all the books are out and you have to wait 3 years to finish off the movies?????? LOL yeah right.