Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Why is it "silly"? Hell I wont even visit the full monty threads cause I CANNOT stand looking at guys like that...at all....ever. I prefer a "meaty" "chubby" "non thin man". I couldnt have sex with a person like that because its actually a turn off to me
That is my preference, and I resent being told its "silly"
You seem to be completely missing my point.
You, are the minority. I guarentee it.
Sure maybe you have some friends who are into physically non-prime people, but the huge majority of people if given the decision, to be made 100% on looks, will not be choosing the chubs or iggie pops of the world.
The reason is as I stated before, "Survival of the Fittest" if you want to call it that. The "Peacock Tail Feathers" etc etc... it's all true. We, however having the ability to stop ourselves from acting on instinct (If we understand thats what it is), are no more immune to it than a horse, pig, or peacock.