Originally Posted by troit
Too bad for the drama induced society we live in - the school says yes and then the parents have a change of heart - great - I'd rather read about something else on the internet this evening.....
Agreed, I really didn't see this topic as a debatable issue at all(along with other current threads at the moment).
This is an attribution to a faucet of news, but not really... it is just a story that will make you feel blah, blah, blah... it is along the lines of 'weird and strange', but nothing worthy of discussion. It is a page six story that relies solely on the misjudgment of one party and the implication that it was expected, but not merited. I honestly rather not even comment on this, but I'd rather have it known that the proliferation of threads that have very little points of discussion are lost on most(perhaps just me, then), and are sometimes only posted because of the initial 'shock value' of the story that is being linked.
So what?
Add more than an opening thought and menial opinion about whatever story, article, experience you have come across and thought to post. It aids immensely when the OP puts an extensive ammount of thought into the post being made so that those that follow can be able to exchange commentary upon what was posted. But the recent trend of finding stories and making a half-hearted opine about it to spark a discussion is faulty and relatively annoying to those wanting a stimulating intellectual discourse. I don't care to find tabloid-worthy news in general discussion, where it becomes just a berating spectacle of loose talk and discussion.
Had I come across this story, I wouldn't have bothered to give it a second glance because it involves very little room for debate(private institution has standards to uphold and has concerns with an issue that may affect the well-being of the community because of it...) - a story more likely reserved for Found on the Net.
Can we find a more worthy topics of discussion that seek more to interpret and investigate than what has been observed recently?
was that a rant?
OK, rant over then.