Originally Posted by ratbastid
I don't know what country you're writing from, but that's not how it works in America. Nor should it be.
Our system is deeply imperfect (the imbalance in law enforcement, prosecution, and punishment among the races comes to mind), but it's miles better than most alternatives.
I'm from America and have a pretty basic understanding of the law to know this isn't how it works. I just have a fairly practical view of the justice system. In my opinion this is how the punishment/rehabilitation system should work....
If you are proven guilty, then the jury should first decide on whether or not they think you can be rehabilitated into a useful member of society.
If they think the guilty can be reformed, you're sent to a prison that specializes in reform and offers programs such as counseling, rehab, and job skills training. All the while you must work most of the day towards keeping the place running to earn your food, electricity, water, etc.
If they do not think you can be reformed, then the guilty is sent to a prison where the focus is on keeping the guilty seperated from the public. Like the reform prison, you have to earn your food and water. But there is no air conditioning, no electricity, no tv's, no creature comforts... just simply existence. I dont really see how someone who was found, unreformable, would be sentenced to only 10 or 15 years. Most likely only people that traditionaly get either sentenced to death or life in prison would be sent to these prisons. This being the case, you can life until you're no longer able to do the work to support yourself. Or to avoid the expense of keeping some one locked up for the rest of their life, you can simply shoot them and get it over with.
The people who committed the crime in discussion definetly don't show any signs of any future worth. Therefore I see no point in investing in keeping them alive.