Originally Posted by mryhrtsong
My dentist has a good reputation in our area, but I am a new patient, due to a change in insurance. I had to have my lower right first molar crowned, and I was reluctant to get one, because of the experiences of some of my friends and family. When the dentist recommended it, he said that he didn't feel I need a root canal, and that put me a little more at ease. During the first appointment, he said there was a lot more decay under the old filling than he had thought, and he had to put some material inside the tooth to reinforce it before the impression was taken. When they sent me home with the temp crown, it remained painful all the way to my second appointment.
My permanent crown was cemented in place on June 19th. It wasn't fun. The dentist has assistants who fit the crown and do all the adjusting, and she popped it on and off several times before the bite was right. It was very painful, and she told him that the mesial area of my tooth was very sensitive. I was instructed to baby that tooth, so the nerve would settle down, giving the tooth a chance to heal itself, and I did. When I went back on July 2nd to have 2 fillings replaced, it had only been feeling calm for a few days, but I felt encouraged that it was healing. Unfortunately, the teeth I needed worked on were the first and second molars right above the crown. When the assistants (who put the amalgam in place and shaped them) were finishing the adjustments on the filling, I couldn't tell if the bite was right because I was having galvanic shock between the newly crowned tooth and the one above it.
Fast forwarding to today: I have finished the Medrol dose pack he prescribed July 2nd to lightly supress my immune system and allow the tooth to settle. I only noticed the shock for the first day, as eating eggs seemed to help, but my crowned tooth still seems very upset by all this, and perhaps more so today than a couple days ago. I have noticed that my bite doesn't seem right, and it seems like it's the filling in the second molar, so it might not be directly over the crown. I have an appointment to get it adjusted next week.
The questions I have are: 1) Could the galvanic shock have interrupted the healing of that tooth under the crown, and can galvanic shock promote abscess? and 2) How long can it take for a tooth to settle down and heal under a crown? Liquids and even air hurt right now. Thanks for your time.