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Old 07-11-2007, 01:08 PM   #50 (permalink)
Wolfwood's Avatar
Location: *taps you gently on the shoulder*
A clink rang out through the Second Year area as Kin dropped the beer bottle he had been holding and it found its way to its two other brethren on the ground between Kin and Oni. Kuro and Aki had just finished dispatching the two female guards and were about to enter the Third Year area when Kin decided to join the duo.

Not bothering to use his boken for support, Kin heaved himself to his feet where he stood on shakey legs for a moment before darting over meet Kuro and Aki. As he approached his friends, Kin took a diving leap and positioned himself between the two of them. Kin threw his arms around Kuro and Aki's neck to break his fall, expecting them to easily be able to bear the burden of his additional weight, but apparently your body weight doubles when you're slightly inebriated. Kin felt Aki's knees buckle under his weight and he began fall to the side she had been propping up, but before he crashed to the ground with her Kuro swiftly maneuvered himself under Kin and lifted him up in a firemans carry.

Kin felt as if he were flying as he was lifted off the ground but the feeling soon faded into one of pain as Kuro set him down roughly to the ground and turned his attentions to Aki who was making her way back up to her feet.

"Hey!" Kin yelled to Kuro's back with a bit of a slur. "What was that for?"

The only reply Kin got a quick glare back from Kuro as he gave Aki his hand and helped her to her feet. Kin stood clumsily to his feet and could feel a bite of anger welling up in his chest.

Kin yelled again to Kuro, this time poking him in the side with his boken' perhaps a bit harder than he meant to. "I asked you what was that for? The least you could do is answer me."

Kuro spun around and the glare still remained on his face. "Because..." he started, but soon stopped himself and his glared faded into a slight forced smile. "Aren't you the one who was saying we need to stay focused Kin?"

With that, Kuro took Aki's hand in his own and clapped Kin on the shoulder with his other while motioning with his head and saying. "Let's go."

Kuro then took a few quick strides forward and kicked the door to the Third Year area open. Kin, unsatisfied with his friend's answer, was about to say something, but was quickly stopped by an unlikely source. Oni had sauntered over to the group and had been watching for a minute or so before walking over to Kin and giving him a quick bonk on the back of the head as he was about to say something. He then leaned in to Kin and said in a low voice, "You know, the truely wise follow their own direction. You already know the answer to your own question, so why ask it? Besides, you shouldn't let something like that get your panties in a bind."

Kin, who had been looking at the ground and thinking over Oni's words as he spoke, looked up to reply, but quickly found that he had already moved on to the Third Year area with the others. Whatever Kin thought as he trudged through the areas. He was unhappy, with a lot of things. The events that had just transpired, the fact that he was obviously a little inebriated, and...

Kins whole mind seemed to freeze as he stepped through the doors, looked around, and the gravity of the situation he was presently facing hit him at full force. The furnishments for the Third Year area were humble at best, which indicated the fact that the Third Year at Tenhanshi Academy was far and away the toughest. But, the furnishments and people of the Third Year area were the last things on Kin's mind. His mind was transfixed on one single thought- this was where he had been eight months before when he had gotten hurt. He had suceeded in accomplishing something that took him an entire semester alone in one single day with his friends. At that moment, he looked around at Kuro and Aki and he was grateful they were there, even Oni who he barely knew he was grateful for.

Mentally sober now, Kin began to regain his focus and take in the entire scene of the Third Year area. A few students training, a few conversing, one drinking, and two guards...a boy and a girl...seniors...I'll take out the boy. Without giving any warning, Kin lowered his stance and brandished his boken in his right hand and began to streak towards the Fourth Year door, taking a little extra time to follow the walls for a little bit of concealment.

About ten yards away from the door, Kin quickened his pace and began darting towards the left side of the boy guard's view. A few feet away, Kin leaped foward and brought his boken towards a spot between the guard right collarbone and neck in a heavy, downward slash. For a faint moment, Kin thought he might succeed in ambushing the guards, that was until his eyes met with the guards a fraction of a second before his attack made contact. In that fraction of time, the guard was able to raise his right arm and shield Kin's intended point of contact with his forearms.

The sound that erupted from the contact between the boken and the guard's forearm was not what Kin expected. A metal clang had rung out and while Kin had put enough force into his attack to break most any body part it came in contact with, the guard stood unphased and uninjured in front of Kin, glaring at him with an almost sadistic look in his eyes.

Kin jumped back and tried to analyze what had just transpired and figure out what was going on. The only thing Kin drew was a blank, and it wasn't until he took another glance over at the guard that he realized how he had with stood the attack. The right cuff of the guard's shirt had been ripped by Kin's attack and now revealed the gaurds bear arms, but rather than skin, the only thing present on his forearm was a dull grey texture, steel. He's wearing steel bracers, so he must be a hand to hand guy Kin thought to himself, and here I was thinking he was Superman or some shit. Alright then, time for round two.

This time Kin approached the guard, who still hadn't moved, more slowly and waited for the guard to strike so he could counter. Kin waited in vain though, since the guard didn't do so much as blink.

"Are you just a motorized statue or something?" Kin barked at the guard growing impatient.

The guards simply continued to gaze at Kin, the only hint of life being the fire burning in his eyes.

"How are we supposed to do kentou if you don't move or speak." Kin barked again at the guard.

This time, the guard reacted. The guard took a step towards Kin and shouted, "The way you fight is NOT kentou."

Without missing a beat, Kin lunged forward and land a horizontal blow to the outside of the leg the guard had stepped forward with, causing a sickening pop to erupt from the guards knee.

Kin then retreated back a few yards and shouted towards the guard with a smile on his face, "Now it's kentou!"
We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.
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