Ace we cannot make all research private. Doing so makes science driven by profit. If there is no profit then there is no research. We have seen this in the automobile industry over the last 100 years where the technology has changed very little in terms of fuel efficiency. What happens with medical research where a very small % of people are effected, lets say something like Parkinsons. The industry won't research it because they can't make money off it. Again a bad situation. Let's take it a step further and look at military research. Private industries are not allowed to do this research thus the government must do it. Do you really want people whose number one desire is money to drive military research? They will sell the technology to the highest bidder regardless of who it is, if it is someone really bad they will just charge them more. Finally people don't just become good scientists it takes a lot of time and work. We need facilities to train these people. This is why NSF, DARPA, ASC Alliance, ect exist. To put all research into the private industry is ridiculous.