Originally Posted by aceventura3
Smoking is dangerous. Smoking can lead to cancer and other illnesses. On the other hand, if I am aware of the risk, why take the choice away from me? Who gets to decide what is too risky and what is not? Isn't that question answered in the political realm? DC wrote that the SG should not be involved in politics or public policy, so why was he commenting on the legality of smoking?
You absolutely twisted what I said...I did not say the SG should not be involved in politics or public policy. I said the SG does not have a political or policymaking function. The fact that you dont like mission statements doesnt change the mission of the SG.
The purpose of Congressional hearings is to bring the facts into consideration in the development of legislation.
The Surgeon General has a role
to educate the public (including members of Congress) on health and medical issues (sorry, its part of the mission). It is entirely appropriate and not political or policy driven for the SG to testify on medical or health issues.