<b>Wouldn't it follow that one who posts an advocacy for the idea that it is "defensible". "agreeable" or "normal"</b> for the political regime in control of the executive branch to limit the release of information related to health and medical treatment to what meets the regime's political and religious ideology and agenda, instead of not interfering with what the Surgeon General that it appointed, in the first place, deems relevant for public distribution..... <b>would be "fair game" here.... for other members posting in wonderment about the motivation for posting such an advocacy.....never accompanied by supporting citations.....</b> Always leaving open, the question; where, on earth, do you come up with these opinions?
Then again...where ....on earth....did America come up with a president....in 2007, no less, who would "Come up with" someone...and nominate him to be Surgeon General of the U.S., who once wrote this:
Prepared for the
Committee to Study Homosexuality of The United Methodist Church
by James W. Holsinger Jr., M.D.
Committee Member
January 14, 1991</center>
.....At our Boston meeting, we spent some time discussing
the complementarity of the human sexes. Although one could
gather from the discussion of the consultants in scripture, -
theology, and Christian ethics that there may be some lack
of assurance that the human sexes complement each other, I
believe that it is possible to argue succinctly from an
anatomical (structure) and physiological (function) point of
view that the human sexes are indeed complementary.
It is absolutely clear that anatomically and
physiologically the alimentary and reproductive systems in
humans are separate organ systems; i.e., the human does not
have a cloaca. Likewise it is clear that even primitive
cultures understand the nature of waste elimination, sexual
intercourse, and the birth of children. Indeed our own
children appear to "intuitively" understand these facts. I
think we should note that these simple "scientific" facts
are the same in any culture - patriarchal or matriarchal,
modern or primitive, Jewish or gentile, etc. The anatomic
and physiologic facts of alimentation and reproduction
simply do not change based on any cultural setting. In
fact, <b>the logical complementarity of the human sexes has
been so recognized in our culture that it has entered our
vocabulary in the form of naming various pipe fittings
either the male fitting or the female fitting depending upon
which one interlocks within the other.</b> When the
complementarity of the sexes is breached, injuries and
diseases may occur as noted above.
Therefore, based on the simplest known anatomy and
physiology, when dealing with the complementarity of the
human sexes, one can simply say, Res ipsa loquitur - the
thing speaks for itself!
January 14, 1991.....