Originally Posted by dc_dux
An investigative report by the House Committee on Govt Reform in 2003 found that the Bush administration interfered or suppressed scientific studies and findings by government agencies in numerous areas for political purposes: abstinence only education, agricultural pollution, arctic national wildlife refuge, breast cancer, condoms, drinking water, global warming, HIV/AIDS, lead poisoning, missile defense, oil and gas, stem cell research, wetlands, ......
The report concluded: Federal agencies with global reputations for scientific excellence depend upon the objective input of leading scientists and the impartial analysis of scientific evidence to develop effective policies. The Bush Administration, however, has repeatedly suppressed, distorted or obstructed science to suit political and ideological goals. These actions go far beyond the traditional influence that Presidents are permitted to wield at federal agencies and compromise the integrity of scientific policymaking.
Report (pdf):
But I guess (per our other discussion and the "ace' standards), it has no validity until something is found to be illegal or persons are found guilty of something in a court of law.
Unfortunately....you surmise correctly. It would seem that incremental corruption of a thing goes generally unnoted by legal standards, and though I am well aware of the destruction of EPA standards,the Pharmacy Fiasco, and any number of other issues this administration has created in its misguided (to me) attempts to shore up corporations,until the former SG came forward there was no substantial way to accuse them. The scientific community has put forward several damning reports on the way they are "stifled" by the administration to no affect. Perhaps this will add the needed voice to change the practice.....perhaps not.