Originally Posted by JustJess
if I were trolling the bars for meaningless sex, I'd be more likely to target the muscley ones. In my mind, they're just more likely to go for a booty call than a guy who isn't.
Well yeah, and I agree that for certain women, if that's what their goals are, then a muscle-y guy fits their goals to a T. Nothing wrong with that, as long as everyone's up front about everything.
But I'd say that for those women who are not trolling the bars, etc... muscles are going to matter a hell of a lot less, because those "other" things that are crucial for long-term relationships are going to figure much more highly (intelligence, personality, humor, responsibility, maturity). That's what makes it so hard to generalize... different people want different things, regardless of gender.
Now Jess, I agree with you, if our previously less-muscular men are getting into the gym, I'm not one to get in the way (as long as the goal is to get in shape, not obsess over one's looks). But it wasn't an initial attractor for me, that's all.