Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
I think that Penn has had some tragedy in his life and now wants to dismiss God, because God didnt help. Tomorrow a miraculous event may change his mind and return his faith....or not. Things just happen, its the chaos effect in full force. Hey we could all blame the choas effect, thats a new one!
I think this is the problem with mankind in general. Everyone is so caught him in themselves, too ignorant to look beyond themselves, I feel this self-centeredness is our downfall. How is it a human being can attribute a success as if it's a reward by the hand of God himself? Likewise, how can one feel a hardship is a punishment from God? This level of ignorance really makes me sad because the root of this type of thinking, selfish thought, is what causes a lot of immoral acts. Why is it a person who is infected with cancer has the audacity to refuse God's existance based on this specific case alone. On the flip side, I see a lot of professional atheletes thanking God for putting them in a position to be where they are (aka I won the genetic lottery). Would they still be thanking God if they were born paralyzed? What about everybody else? Why is it that had this same exact individual not gotten cancer he would believe in God? The fact it's simply a misfortunate event that has been randomly caused as far as we know, until we figure out how to prevent it. It boggles my mind to think an individual can go on believing or disbelieving in God based on a few events in their lives, regardless of the significance. I implore everyone to put themselves in others' situations more often and truly think about other people instead of being so self-righteous, I think that would be a small step in making this world a better place.
Here's something to think about. If you were born in the Middle East there would be a high probability you would become Muslim, and would likely worship Allah. What makes your religion more special or more right when the reason you believe in it is due to the situation you were born in? Why don't you believe in Judaism, Christianity, the Catholic church, atheism etc. This question pertains to whatever your belief is now, put yourself in other situations, because that could very well be you. Isn't it atonishing everyone thinks their religion is right? How can they all be correct? I feel all of these various religions were created by man and that anyone who believes in them are simply following trained, illogical thought and part of it it's the environment they have grown up in. I feel fortunate I was raised in a environment where I've had the ability to seek out my own beliefs, albeit I was raised in a christian setting. Noone in my family has really forced their beliefs upon me, although they often drop their religious opinions in relation to things.
Think about this for a moment. If people were completely separated from society and raised their kids with the intent of never mentioning God or any religions how do you think they would turn out? Likewise, if you told them there was a giant unicorn in the sky that set forth rules and make a list of commandments to obey how would they know any better? It's possible they would figure out it was a farce, just as people eventually did about the greek mythologies, but it's also possible they would be fooled. Better yet, let's get a bit more tricky, let's create a being that isn't bound by shape or form so that it'll make a bit more sense to us that he has created this earth, and everything in it. Now we have a being inconceivable, that we fear, that we cannot question his existance, because we cannot comprehend his perfection. I'd say their chance of being fooled would be nearly 100%. Zeus didn't work, but they finally got it right this time. The history of man has influenced many of us today to flock towards a certain religion, but why do you believe what they wrote thousands of years ago? Put aside your ingrained beliefs for awhile no matter how deeply rooted they are in your very core and question everything you have come to believe, including your religion and everything that encompasses it. Only then will you truly be yourself and not a puppet, regardless of the conclusion you come to.