Originally posted by redravin40
The kid obviously has AD/HD.
I personally think thats a cop out. Not every kid who is disruptive or just plain mean has a disease. Whatever happened to someone just being bad? Can no one just be bad anymore? Does everyone have to have a mental disablity these days? I am not saying he can't have it. I think ADD and AD/HD IS a real disease. It just only effects about 3 people. I bet if we looked at this home life we could get a better idea of where this behavior comes from. But thats just my opinon.
Meridae'n once played "death" at a game of chess that lasted for over two years. He finally beat death in a best 34 out of 67 match. At that time he could ask for any one thing and he could wish for the hope of all mankind... he looked death right in the eye and said ...
"I would like about three fiddy"