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Old 07-10-2007, 10:43 AM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Sarasota
Originally Posted by seretogis
The moral of the story is that the wondrous planet Earth has little concern with what we do while we are on it.

AMEN. At least one other person gets it.

But Dave, think of the big picture..... OK, how about this. We, (humans) currently reside on a ball of molten iron. This ball of molten iron with a thin skin is currently spinning at 1,000mph on its axis while rotating at 65,000mph in an orbit around a degrading star. This has been going on for somewhere between 4,000,000,000 and 5,000,000,000 years. (Zeros shown for emphasis ) We humans (in our present intelligence) have been on this ball of iron for somewhere around 15,000 years. To think that we (all of mankind from beginning to now) somehow control or affect what goes on on this planet is ludicrous. One huge forest fire in the tiaga region of Siberia would cause more CO2 than has been produced by all of mankind ever. Remember when the Kuwaiti oil fields were set on fire during the 1st Gulf War? OMG, the world is coming to an end, darkness and noxious gas will poison us all forever. No, not so much. In fact, not at all. We put the fires out. The earth just shrugged. When are these clowns leaving anyway?

I think the whole 'Global Warming', 'Climate Crisis' BS can be distilled down to one thing........PRESUMPTUOUSNESS. Why do some people somehow think we are in control of anything. We are blobs of carbon-based neurons reacting to stimuli like bacteria in a dish. Do the bacteria think- hey, I can control what happens in this dish? Similarly, do celebrities think that because of their self-professed importance that they somehow have some control over this planet? No, but they certainly have the highest level of presumtuousness. Oh, but Dave, if we bacteria poison the agar in the dish other bacteria will not be able to survive. So what....we are dead, they never were alive.

This is my rant and I can go on as long as I want . But I won't because it is pointless. There are so many arguments it is silly. (How about the surface of the planet is 75% water and we have no idea why the oceans get hotter and colder.) We cannot predict what the weather will be on Friday. Why would we think we can predict what will happen in 10, 100, 1000 years?
I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe...

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Thoreau

"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm" - Emerson
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