In a broad, stereotypical sense... I think there's some truth to that. Especially in a place like NYC. Women get pretty practical about potential partners the older they get. They're just as superficial as men - we, too, like a nice chest - but just like men look at a woman all dolled up in tight clothes and a bit of extra make up and think "score!"... women look at a muscley guy in a tight shirt and think "score!" too.
We have stereotypical expectations of these looks - they are probably programmed in from a young age, really. Think about it... in Hollywood, who's the dependable type, the nice guy (or gal)? The boy next door look, the loveable schlub. Who's having all the irresponsible (and hot) sex? The muscley one. When we're looking for a partner and not just some sex, we look at a broader picture, just like men. I'm not a physically perfect specimen, but Q wants me anyway - he wanted a partner, not a toy. But if he were out at a club (ok, stop laughing, it could happen!), what kind of girl do you think would get all the attention?
It's all in how we advertise ourselves. And a man who's bothered to get muscley is advertising.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.