I am not proposing allowing a maiming for dinging a door- there would have to be a scale of what was acceptable- just as with anything- I invision something where death or torture/etc would only be an option for murder, rape, things like that- The codes I drew from dated from the time of Scandinavia being a primitive democracy, and there were a number of things held over from it to our present legal system- the right to a trial by jury of ones peers, for instance, as well as the idea of the community setting a series of possible punishments- but the core of it was that the injured party had a stake in the punishment of the offender- something that I feel would be valuable to us today, due to the widespread disillusionment with the legal system as it stands..... its hard to ignore something that you are an integral part of- and hard to be disinfranchised from a system like that too.......
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens