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Old 07-09-2007, 07:56 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: In this flesh and bone thing
There are so many debated social questions that evolve around choices and people either get very emotional about these questions especially when religon comes into the equation. Like abortion, gay marriages, and giving people the right to die, which are the most immediate ones that come to mind especially since my move to Canada. Example: A Canadian took his terminally ill wife, under her consent to Switzerland for her assisted death. Now he faces criminal charges in Canada. Someone grassed on him, someone who had no right to interfere.

But you have to respect everyones opinions even if you're on the complete opposite side of the scale.

I believe people should be able to do what the want with their lives, and they should do so inspite of anyone elses' opinion. I don't mean criminal acts of course..I support this in saying euthenasia is a more humane way of dealing with death, I know I wouldnt wish a prolonged and painful death if I knew it was expected at any time. I wouldnt want that on any family member to sit by and watch a love one slowly and painfully pass away. If you are found sane and in reasonable control of your mental facilities by a cerified psychologist, neurologist..psychiatrist, and your condition is diagnosed and confirmed by a team of doctors then you should be allowed to make your own decision.

In my opinion there shouldn't be laws preventing people from taking their own lives or others assisting them and by those I mean in the same league as Kavorchian (sp. sorry) But there should be a regulation, focussing on the terminally ill, not based on suicide or being ill and in pain from a curable but serious disease. If there is a possible chance of survival in years maybe.

I would want any family member to respect my wish and do as I ask them regardless of their moral stance. I'd go to a court in a gurney if I had to.
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