Originally Posted by Jenny Hatch
As for answering all of your individual questions about various birthing issues. Nope, not going to take the time to even try.
Jenny Hatch
Its interesting Host...uh...I mean Jenny, That though I myself have expressed my interest,and in fact posted That I too have a bit of experience with unassisted homebirth, you have chosen to completely ignore my input in favor of militantly disregarding all opinions counter to your own. You expect members here to take the time to debate this with you, or at a minimum respect and consider your comments and beliefs, yet wont even "take the time to try" discussing the reservations people have toward the obvious issues such a descision entails.
This is literally the definition of trolling....I again ask you to evaluate the way your message is delivered, if you wish to be taken seriously. Otherwise , very soon you will force this thread into the archives of closed oblivion by becoming a target of ridicule....and little more.