Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I do this already, despite the huge amounts of scorn and derision you throw my way.
You've lost touch. Most posts you make are either about guns despite the fact they're in a thread that has nothing to do with guns, or you make broad statements about liberty or something. Each and every one of these posts is threadjacking. I've avoided reporting you in the past because I don't think you know any better, but I would have hoped that you at least tone it down a bit... only it seems to be getting worse. Look in this very thread:
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
You'd have an awful lot of pissed off 2nd Amendment supporters bearing down on any foreign body that tried to instill their laws on this country. I'm one of them.
This was in response to my discussing possible options about how to bring Bush and Cheney to justice. Suddenly (dksuddenly?) it became about you and other gun owners? You have to realize that's a threadjack. Please tell me you realize this is a threadjack. Not only that, but it's just the latest of many threats of attacking people or organizations with guns. Think about that. You're on an online forum continually threatening people, often in hypothetical situations, with an armed attack.
Then you posted:
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
better to die on my feet a free man, than to live on my knees as a slave.
You don't give context, you don't explain this one bit, and it suggests that we're all slaves, specifically me. If you want to explain this, in an appropriate thread or PM, I'd be glad to debate the finer points of politics and/or slavery with you, but again you're threadjacking.
I don't want to report you because I honestly think you have a lot of interesting things to say. You probably have a great deal to teach me. I would hope that you can set aside the dead horse of gun rights or the pseudo-philosophical quotes and get down into it with the rest of us. Come, join in our reindeer games. You might just enjoy it.
/end threadjack