Originally Posted by Fire
[. . .]I do not feel that the state has much right to decide their fate- let the victims decide..........in fact, In all cases, I feel that the agrieved party should be able to pick the punishment from a list of (suitably viscious) approved options.........
You seem to have a perverse sense of "justice." I won't even call this medieval. It is beyond that. I can only describe it as "Punishment by Anarchist Autonomous Mass-Customization." Would these punishments be made public? Perhaps via the Internet even?
There is a reason victims don't decide on the punishment of the convicted. It's called bias. Certainly the American justice system isn't perfect, but you don't want the alternative. To advocate cruel and unusual punishment is heinous in itself. That is why it's called cruel and unusual. Do you truly want to have the system go Old Testament? Please, put away your pitchforks!