Ugh. California is a hellhole for gunowners. If you're dead-set on staying (though I can't see why), get the Mossy and all the training you can afford. Buying a handgun in California is a straight-up neusance, and your rifle choices are quite severely limited, since pistol grips and detatchable mags on the same weapon are illegal. An M1 or M1-A will certainly do the job, but forget about an AR, AK, FAL, HK-91, etc. DSA does make a "California Special" 10-round, fixed-mag FAL with stripper-slip guides, but they sell for a hefty premium. Cali also bans standard-capacity magazines IIRC, so you're stuck with 10-rounders in any case. Expect to pay extra for a Cali-legal SKS, as well. You'll also have to register it as an "assault weapon" which could potentially have adverse consequences.