Originally Posted by guy44
Say reconmike, let's do a little correcting of your post, OK?
First, here's what I said:
Now, this isn't very complicated. Armitage was the first person to leak the name. But before that was ever published, Libby was already doing his best to be the one to leak it:
Sorry but Armitage WAS the first person to leak Plame's name, he did it to Novak on july 7, so if ya want to split hairs Armitage actually said Plame was an op a whole day before Libby even insinuated he knew of a undercover op.
Since Novack's column came out on July 14, six and twelve days after Miller's conversations with Libby respectively, Libby was clearly, as I wrote, disclosing the name of an undercover CIA agent for political gains (even if he didn't technically name her, like a NY Times reporter can't find out who the wife of a former ambassador is).
Again July 7th is the day Novak found out Plame's name a day before Libby met with Miller.
So, did Libby leak the name to the press? Yes. Did his leak happen to lead to the first article about Plame? No. But that doesn't mean he wasn't trying.
And to answer your questions here;
No Libby did not leak shit
And I have been trying to fuck Morgan Fairchild for years, doesnt mean I have suceeded.