Your self-designated PhD is not amusing, in any context, to those of us who have actually put in the time and coursework towards getting a bona fide PhD. Since graduating from high school, I have spent the last 10 years in higher education (with several more to go), and I'm not about to put up with someone who jokingly adds a PhD "MH" after her name on a public website. I don't care if you were trying to be funny; that is just total horseshit.
Kills your credibility.
Shows that you really AREN'T educated, so you want to pretend to be.
You're like those people who drive around in sold-at-auction police cars pretending to be a cop. Then, when someone calls you out on your bullshit, you reply with "oh, I do it to mock police officers" or other lame-brained excuse.
If you EVER hope to convince someone with MORE than half a brain, DONT PRETEND TO HAVE CREDENTIALS YOU DON'T HAVE.
Please discontinue breeding.