My answer: You think too much. Just don't worry about meeting someone, don't worry about sex, its all a bunch of crap. Relationships are overrated. They come with drama that isn't needed, and reward that isn't worth it. In the end none of it matters, so live your life how you want. Don't worry what anyone else thinks.
But I would take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm far from what anyone would call normal. I have no close relationships. Outside of work I only talk to 3 or 4 people, most of them I am lucky to talk to once a month (if that). Since may of 2006, outside of business transactions and family events, I have had almost no physical contact (a hug at a halloween party is it). I have more emotional attachment to my camera and car than to any person in my life.
And really, its not so bad to live like that.