As for OEF/OIF vets being brushed under the carpet, I can say almost positively that it won't happen. First of all, the Vietnam vets themselves see to that as often as possible. When our planes land in Dallas (or Atlanta for those living on the east coast) when we come home from our tours or even for leave, there are a ton of people there to support us, shake our hands and welcome us home. For many of us it's a bit awkward, but knowing what a lot of them went through with nobody around to care for them when they got home, it puts it into perspective and most of us are very thankful for them.
Secondly, there's a very strong sentiment of supporting soldiers even if you don't support the war. Nearly everyone I've met that knows I'm a soldier, even in passing, has expressed those feelings as well. There's a difference between being against a war and being against fellow Americans who choose to serve their country. I'm glad that many people see that.
For units outbound and inbound from theatre, the
Patriot Guard Riders escort us to and from the airport to our home stations. This happens for all National Guard as far as I know, since we fly out of commercial airports. No clue if the regular Army gets the same treatment.
I don't feel that we'll be in the same boat.