Tenniels: unless everything is covered by insurance yes we do have to pay for any little thing a doctor see's us for unless he is a family friend or something.
Sultana: Most universities don't really care. Ive been in college for 5 years now never having any health insurance, no one has batted an eye. I know it's stupid, as I now do have insurance after having my appendix out last year uncovered.
As for the glass in the foot problem...
A few years ago when hurricane Francis came threw a bunch of us headed out to the pool to party the next night when no one had power. Few turned into the whole college apt complex, friend got into a fight, turned into a brawl, more beer bottles were dropped then imaginable. We went home victorious but with about 30 miniscule shards per foot per person. With nothing but candle light we managed to get about everything out though. Made something like a Gravity Bong if you know the workings.
Sink full of water, 2 liter soda bottle cut in half. Cap off the bottle we would submerge the bottle 3/4ish to the top. Firmly put area of suspected glass over the spout on top and slowly raise foot and bottle together. The suction created was enough to pull out almost all the glass in everyones feet.
This is really painful however and hard to accomplish without a few unscathed friends to help with keeping the seal on your foot and bottle.
i am ninja
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter, and those who matter dont mind." -Dr Seuss