Originally Posted by Martian
The thing is, it's hard, but it's simple. It all boils down to just eating your social barriers and getting out there. Manning up, if you will. There's no workarounds, there's no easy way to do it. You go out and do things you enjoy doing and make a point to interact with no people while you're at it. You may even embarrass yourself a few times, but you keep doing it anyway.
Hehehe, yeah, I've had some absolutely cringe worthy moments that I look back on and think "Oooooooooooh my god I can't believe I said that and how badly I handled that situation". But hey, yu learn from it and become a stronger person for it!
I still get put in social situations that simply frighten the shit out of me, but hell, I'm much better at just rolling with the punches and knowing when to just bow out.
Some people are just naturally very social and do this kind of thing with complete ease. It has never been something that has come easy to me and took a lot of effort and demon facing to get passed. But I have to say, all the terrifying and painfully awkward moments were totally worth it.