Originally Posted by dirtyrascal7
Obviously they are putting a lot of weight on the 'off-field buzz' part considering they have Danica Patrick and Michelle Wie on the list, neither of whom have won anything significant.
Yeah, the "off-field buzz" aspect is bullshit, in my opinion. There are great athletes who generate little "off-field buzz" and mediocre athletes who are famous for their social lives, appearance, etc.
Originally Posted by dirtyrascal7
I was going to suggest Michael Phelps and Lance Armstrong, but Phelps is already on the list and Armstrong is retired... so therefore I will throw Louis Hamilton's name into the hat. That kid is scary good.
I'd say no to Louis Hamilton for the same reason that a guy like Vince Young doesn't belong on the list: he hasn't been around long enough. To me, a great athlete is one who stays at the top of his or her game for an extended period of time. Hamilton and Young may eventually be great, but I think it's too soon to include them.
Anyway...here's who I would add to the list:
Matt Hughes (most dominant champ in UFC history)
Fedor Emilianenko (most dominant heavyweight MMA fighter
Ricky Carmichael (probably the most dominant motocross/supercross rider
Roy Oswalt (starting pitcher for the Houston Astros who wins lots of games for what is often a lousy team)